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A member registered Jun 03, 2019

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(1 edit)

My system has a non-English locale. Here is how I solved it myself: I simply replaced the .pak/ files (in the locales folder) corresponding to my locale with the en-US.pak/ files.

Now may I have a technical question for curiosity: this game has only English subtitles. Why would you need any other locale files?

Hi, a font question.

I was playing v 1.3.1 purchased from Steam. There is an extra space after apostrophe in the story line, which could be a real pain to my eyes. So "I'm walking" now becomes like "I'    m walking". I believe this could be a locale problem.

However, there isn't such a problem in the Windows Demo (v 1.3) that I downloaded from this website.

Nonetheless, the problem appears both on demo and the full versions if I played the index.html file in the www folder.

Please take a look and suggest how to fix it. Thanks.